Calendar: version 1.3.2 © 2023 Jonzy.

   I originally did a Calendar back in 1993, and spent many hours in the Library searching for events to put in that
Calendar. Back then there were many days I had missing events. Unfortunately, at that time there was no Google™
to search for this type of information. Now there is, and I still spent too much time searching for events.
Of the 1,339 events I found, there are 2,345 unique searchable words.
For more on searching, see: <search events ↢ Search>.

   Future plans for Calendar include:
      Graphic display of the phase of the moon, for the given day.
      The ability to search not only by zipcode, but the following as well:
            City Name.
            Latitude and Longitude.
      Provide azimuth and zenith (altitude) for Celestial objects such as:

   The information here explains what this Calendar provides, how to use the program, interesting information
about Calendars, the origins of the names of the days of the week, the origins for the names of the months,
other facts about Earth's orbit around the Sun, and the Moon's orbit around the Earth.
If you find any events, dates or published facts in error, please let webmaster know.

   Note: zipcode is used to acquire Latitude and Longitude, which is required to calculate:
Dawn, Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Dusk, Moonrise, Moonset, Equinox and Solstice calculations.
Noon is normaly thought of as 12:00 pm, here its used as the time the Sun reaches its highest point.
All calculations are based on a smooth globe and do not account for mountains.
The default zipcode is 84101, for Salt Lake City, UT.
The zipcode can be changed under Navigation, as noted below with the Z button.

   Notes: on Moonrise, Moonset, Sunrise, and Sunset times:
      __:__ means the Sun or Moon is down.
      **:** means the Sun or Moon is up.
      hh:mm is the hhour and mminute of the event.
      ??:?? means the Sun or Moon position could not be calculated, due to a large Latitude°.

Now the good stuff


   Buttons listed here are for display only, and have no functionality on this page.
Note: When you hover over a Button here, or on the Calendar page, you will get a description what its for.
The Buttons and Definition defined here are: left to right, top to bottom, as displayed on the Calendar page.
   Button Definition
Allows you to enter the date you desire.
   Use the date you specified and verifies the year and month entered. The day is not used.
   Search for an event of the 1,339 recorded events.
   Go to Previous Year.
   change Zipcode for Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, phase of the moon, Equinox and Solstice calculations.
   Go to Previous Month.
   Go to Todays Year and Month, with todays day highlighted.
   Go to Next Year.
   Print mode, remove buttons and disables todays day being highlighted for printing.
   Go to Next Month.
   Display this Help Page.

Calendar Day of the week

   Hover the cursor over day of the week, yields the origin where the name came from.

Calendar Day of the month

   Upper left corner is the day of the month.
   Upper right corner is the day of the year.
   Bottom is the events of the day. If no year is listed, either the year is unknown or the event was calculated.
   Any day not residing in the month being displayed, has diagonal lines with the date centered, instead of events for that day.
   Hover the cursor over the day, yields: City, ST (as acquired from the zipcode), Dawn, Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Dusk, Day Length,
           Moonrise, Moonset, and phase of the moon. Day Length is provided for both Dawn to Dusk, and Sunrise to Sunset.

Special Events

   Special Events are those events that are hard coded and/or need to be calculated,
such as: Holidays, Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, phase of the moon, Equinox's and Solstice's.

   The following 47 Special Events are calculated in real time:
   Event_____________  How the event is calculated
   New Years Day January 1.
   Observed New Years Day If New Years falls on a Sunday - Monday is observed, if falls on a Saturday - Friday is observed.
   Perihelion When the earth is closest to the Sun, in its elliptical orbit.
   Martin Luther King Day 3rd Monday in January.
   Ground Hog Day February 2.
   Super Bowl Sunday 2nd Sunday in February.
   Leap day February 29, Leap Year only.
   Presidents Day 3rd Monday in February.
   Mardi Gras 47 days before Easter.
   Ash Wednesday 46 days before Easter.
   Dr. Seuss Day March 2.
   St Patrick's Day March 17.
   Pi Day March 14 (3.14).
   Daylight Saving Begins 2nd Sunday in March.
   First day of Spring When the Sun is at the Vernal Equinox.
   Good Friday The Friday before Easter.
   April Fools April 1.
   Arbor Day Last friday in April.
   Easter Sunday 1st Sunday following the full Moon that occurs on or after the Vernal Equinox.
   May the Fourth May 4.
   Cynco De Mayo May 5.
   Mothers Day 2nd Sunday in May.
   Armed Forces Day 3rd Saturday in May.
   Memorial Day Last Monday in May.
   Juneteenth June 17, if this day falls on a Sunday - Monday is observed, if falls on a Saturday - Friday is observed.
   First Day of Summer When the Sun is at Summer Solstice.
   Fathers Day 3nd Sunday in June.
   Asteroid Day June 30.
   Independence Day July 4.
   Independence Day observed If Independence Day falls on a Sunday - Monday is observed, if a Saturday - Friday is observed.
   Aphelion When the Earth is farthest from the Sun, it its elliptical orbit.
   Labor Day 1st Monday in September.
   Grandparents Day 1st Sunday after Labor Day.
   First Day of Autumn When the Sun is at Autumnal Equinox.
   Frankenstein Day August 30.
   Columbus Day 2nd Monday in October.
   Great ShakeOut 3rd Thursday in October.
   Mole Day October 23, (10^23) Avogadro constant.
   Halloween October 31.
   Daylight Saving Ends 1st Sunday in November.
   Veterans Day November 11.
   Veterans Day Observed If Veterans Day falls on a Sunday - Monday is observed, if falls on a Saturday - Friday is observed.
   Thanksgiving 4th Thursday in November.
   Black Hole Friday Last Friday in November.
   First Day of Winter When the Sun is at Winter Solstice.
   Christmas Eve December 24.
   Christmas December 25.
   New Years Eve December 31.

Interesting facts about the Days of the Week

   The Romans named the days of the week after the Sun and the Moon and five planets, which were also the
names of their gods. The gods and planets were Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. In the Nordic
countries, the Sun (Sunday) and the Moon (Monday) also became the first two days of the week, and the
Roman gods became four of the Nordic gods with similarities:
Mars became Tyr (Tuesday), Mercury became Odin (Wednesday), Jupiter became Thor (Thursday) and
Venus became Frigg (Friday). Saturday came outside the system: In Norse 'Saturday' means 'hot water day'
which can be translated as 'washing day' or 'washing water day'.
The following lists the Name of week, Nordic name of the week, and Meaning:
   Name Nordic Meaning
   Sunday Sunnudagr Day of Sun.
   Monday Manadagr Day of Moon.
   Tuesday Tysdagr Tiw's day. Tiw was an Anglo-Saxon god of war.
   Wednesday Odinsdagr Odid (Woden) was the Anglo-Saxon king of the gods.
   Thursday Thorsdagr Thor's day. Thor was a Norse god of thunder, lightning, and storms.
   Friday Frjadagr Frigga's day. Frigg was a Norse goddess of home, marriage, and fertility.
   Saturday Laugardagr Saturn's day. Saturn was an ancient Roman god of fun and feasting.

Interesting facts about the names of the Months

   Today, we follow the Gregorian calendar, based on the ancient Roman calendar, invented by Romulus, who
served as the first king of Rome around 753 BC. The Roman calendar had 12 months like our current calendar,
but only 10 of the months had formal names. Basically, winter was a "dead" period of time when the government
and military wasn't active, so they only had names for the time period we think of as March through December.
The following lists the Gregorian name and the Roman name, and Meaning:
   Gregorian Roman Meaning
   March Martius Named for Mars the god of war.
   April Aprilis From Latin aperio, meaning "to open", Spring.
   May Maius Named for the goddess Maia.
   June Junius Named for the goddess Juno.
   July Quintilis Fifth month, renamed July in honor of Julius Caesar.
   August Sextilis Sixth month, renamed August in honor of Roman Emperor Augustus.
   September September Seventh month, unchanged.
   October October Eighth month, unchanged.
   November November Ninth month, unchanged.
   December December Tenth month, unchanged.
   January Januarius Was added and named after Janus, Roman god for beginnings and transitions.
   February Februarius Was added and named for Februa, an ancient festival dedicated to ritual springtime cleaning.
   Note: When calculating the Julian Day (number of days since the 12th hour on -4762), needed for all
celestial calculations, January is considered the 13th month, and February is considered the 14th month.

Other Interesting facts

   The Earth orbits the Sun in an elipse, where the Perihelion is when the Earth is closest to the Sun,
the Aphelion is when the Earth is farthest from the Sun. Additionaly, when the Moon orbit the Earth,
it too has an elliptical orbi, where the Perigee is when the Moon is closest to the Earth, and Apogee
is when the Moon is farthest from the Earth. Additionaly, the Perihelion does not imply the first of
winter, nor does Aphelion imply the first of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The same goes
for the Moon's Perigee and Apogee, which having nothing to do with a full Moon. The main reason we have
Seasons, is due solely to the Earth's axial tilt, also known as (the obliquity of the ecliptic), which is
about a 23.5° tilt from the orbital plane the Earth orbits around the Sun.

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